Full-time Higher Education

Fees and financial assistance available for the 2023/24 academic year may be subject to changes stipulated by the Department for the Economy.

Full-time HE tuition fees for 2023/24 are £2,700 per annum. Course fees are reviewed annually and may be subject to charges applied by central government. The College will make details of any such changes available as soon as the information is available.

All students applying for a higher education course or who are currently in higher education, should complete the ‘Application for Student Finance - PN1 Form’ to determine the level of maintenance grant/loan and tuition fee loan available to them. This form can be obtained from any SRC campus reception or online via www.studentfinanceni.co.uk.

All full-time HE students must apply through their local Education Authority (EA).

Students from the Republic of Ireland should apply through Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) via www.studentfinance.ie

Please note: A full-time HE student may not be permitted to enrol unless tuition fees are paid, or evidence is provided of an application to the Student Loans Company (SLC). Full-time HE students not applying to the Student Loans Company for a loan, must pay full fees at enrolment unless instalment, or other arrangements have been approved by the Finance Department.

Any amounts paid by HE students which are subsequently funded by the Education Authority or Student Loans Company will be refunded to the student.